Open Source and Memberships
Open Source is at the core of everything we do!
Open platforms require open interfaces. OpenFlow was at the beginning of the era of whiteboxes, breaking the vendor-lock-in of network devices. A vast amount of new solutions have since emerged from the open source community and from commercial operators.
We combine the ease-of-use of Linux networking with SDN and state-of-the-art packet processing platforms. For this purpose we have open sourced our whitebox operating system BISDN Linux, our Intel-DPDK-based soft switch, and our Revised OpenFlow Library (rofl), which facilitates the development of controllers and datapath elements. Roflcommon is a C++ library offering a generic OpenFlow endpoint, while Rofl-datapath is an ANSI-C implementation of an OpenFlow pipeline.
It is easily portable to multiple compute and switching platforms, including ARM, MIPS and FPGA.